My 3 Year Natural Hair Anniversay!

3 Years Natural Hair Anniversary style : Bantu knot out

Hi my blessed naturals!
Today makes 3 years since my Big Chop. It also would have been my grandmother's 90th birthday (smile). I will be adding more natural hair cards to the Ruthie's Greetings greeting card shop today and later on this week, God willing. This week, my 3 Year Natural Hair Anniversary celebration will continue with a giveaway! Stay tuned! Here is an abbreviated version of my natural hair timeline:

My Natural Hair Journey

Transition: November 2010-March 2011

Big Chop
March 2011

March 2012

March 2013

                                                                 March 2014

Side: Bantu knot out

Length Checks: 1 Month Length Check
                        6 Month Length Check
                        9 Month Length Check
                       13 Month Length Check (after trim) 
                       21 Month Length Check
                       25 Month Length Check
                       26 Month Length Check
                       31 Month Length Check
For more information, please visit the Blog Archive on the right side of this page.                     

I will do another length check soon. I skipped it for my 3rd year anniversary because I had to trim my hair several times from damage caused by protein overload. So, I want to give my hair some time to grow back in. Thank you all for following my journey!

When is your natural hair anniversary?

Get your 1BlessedNatural t-shirts in time for spring!