Eritrean Inspired Hairstyle: Front Cornrows, Twists, and Puff

Happy Thursday my blessed naturals!
I hope you all are having a great week. Since spring is finally here, I decided to experiment with my hair by doing another style. I did another Eritrean inspired hairstyle that consisted of layered cornrows in the front of my head and a puff in the back. The middle to end of my braids were two-strand twisted, linked, and folded upwards towards the top of my head. The twists were secured with hair pins. I think this style is a relatively quick one. It took me about 20 minutes to complete.

Also, the cornrows may look tight, but they're not (thank God). Since I've been keeping the front and lower back of my hair twisted and braided, I have been retaining more length in those areas. It was a little more than a month ago when I told you all that I was wearing a horizontal flat twist across the back of my hair because the hair had broke off. I'm glad to report that my hair has grown about 1/2 inch or more. Now, when I wear puffs, all of the hair in the back stays in the bands. Yay, for hair victories!

What style (s) are you looking forward to rocking this spring and summer?

Related Articles: Eritrean Inspired Hairstyle
                         1BlessedNatural Spotlight: Traditional Eritrean Hairstyles
                         New YouTube Video Tutorial: Side Flatwists and Swoop Bang with Puff
                         Linked Cornrows with Locked Jewelry and Puff

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