"Back To Healthy Eating" Challenge Update

Strawberry and Blueberry salad made by me :-)

Hey everyone!
Last week in my article "Back to Nature, Back to Healthy Eating", I told you all I made some changes in my eating habits. This included adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet, and drinking more water. I've also cut back on eating fast food. Thank God, I've been doing well on my challenge. I still have more energy than I had when I was eating a lot of fast food. Because I walk a lot, I didn't really need to change my exercise habits.

 Instead of me going on a "diet", I aimed for a lifestyle change. I think when we go on diets, we're actually telling ourselves that it is a temporary change. When we get the results we are looking for (whether it's weight loss or becoming healthier) we will go back to some of the same eating habits. Many times, the commercial diets and supplements are often not lifestyles that we can maintain. I believe this is why a lot of people do not maintain them.This idea made me happy with my choice of eating healthier and not putting myself on a diet.

I have had a hamburger and hotdog here and there, lol, but it's not something I eat everyday. The key is moderation. Also, I went to McDonald's yesterday but it was for a salad :-) My sister shared some tips with me that included the following:

* Do not eat after you are full- This can cause you to feel tired and gain weight.
*Eat the things you won't, but eat them in moderation- This way you do not have to pass up that piece of chocolate cake. Just eat a small piece.

The most important tip we both can give you is to contact your physician or health specialist before making any changes. I am neither; I am just sharing my experiences.

How are you doing on your "Back To Healthy Eating" challenge?
