Mini-Twist Updo Frustration

This weekend I installed mini two-stand twists.  I used the cold wave rods to curl them, but I was not happy with my results. I made the twists a little bigger than normal, so my hair looks very scalpy.  It doesn't take much for my hair to appear that way. My hair is finer on the sides, than the top and back. The straight parts that I made in some of the areas did not help either. I've had the twists in for two days, and I'm ready to take them out. I miss my fro (yes, that fast lol )But, I need to make the best of the time spent on these things lol  So, I will keep them in for at least 5 days. I may try curling them again.

This morning I pinned my hair up, into a style that I liked. I used bobby pins to create something that looked like a mini-twist puff updo.

You can see the scalpy  areas in this picture.